Where are you?

Here's to someone who's long lost, somewhere in the shades. You're not forgotten..

Where are you?

Where are you?

Stuck in the crowd,

I am looking for you

just like a wandering cloud,

in the sky of possibilities 

I'm still where you left,

the same road,

the same girl,

drenched in the rain

The sky fades to grey,

but I care no more

For I seek warmth in cold,

love in hate,

reason in pain,

and you in everyone

And so to clutch 

the white

in the grey sky

And don't ask me if I'm grateful

for the good days

I simply crave the feeling

and the feeling of stumbling upon your abode;

a million little dreams it showed

and a zillion tiny butterflies evoked

Where are you, then?

I've sailed across this passage of time,

listening to its melody so divine

but why doesn't it align?

It's been raining ever since,

and here I am

doodling your favorite song

on the window

trying to get to you

Even the rain can't fall as hard as I did

So, where are you?

The home's in shreds,

and here I am bleeding upon the shards

of the faint memories 

that pop up

every so often


PS- This poem is entirely fiction!