How meditation changed my life?

When you start meditating there are some slow and steady changes that start to appear in your life. Your life changes to a great extent not because of some materialistic things but because of the enlightenment and self-realization.

How  meditation changed my life?

So these were the changes that I particularly observed when I started meditating. However, these changes can vary from person to person depending on their emotional quotient. 
So let’s begin!

1. I wanted to improve daily-

the first thing that I noticed was that soon after my meditation had begun I also started to spot out the bad habits of mine and improve them taking one day at a time.
I also began reading motivational books and self-help guides over those fictional books that I used to really like earlier. 
Day-in and day-out I kept on reading these books also because I had developed a certain liking for them. Obviously the credit for writing these books goes to the author but without meditation, I wouldn’t have got the interest to actually read them. 
I began making a to-do list for my week and daily errands, so that my life too gets really organized. I also was able to do all the tasks that were impossible for me to do earlier if I hadn’t started meditation. 
I had got a new vision for my future now. 

2. Paid attention to my health-

the second thing that I began noticing was that I wanted to focus more on my health and the type of food that I was eating. 
And since I was already improving my life my health also became my priority. And with that, I also started looking forward to healthy eating. 

I also got some amazing level of energy which wasn’t just beneficial for me daily but also would prove to be a great pillar of success for my future. 
I would end my meditation with some stretches and yogic postures. 

3. I also attracted positivity-

I also started observing that with meditation I started attracting positivity around me. I saw that I somehow ended up picking out the right choices, right books, and the right people around me. 
I am not saying that with meditation everything right happens to you, but all I am saying is that when you start meditating your mind declutters and hence you start making the right choices for you. 

4. Performance improved-

when your mind is so organized and your mind is so decluttered, you obviously start improving your performance in everything you do and every work that you do. 
Not only the quality of my tasks were improved but also my potential rose. I could do so many things in the 24 hours of a day that wouldn’t have been possible without meditation. 
My concentration also improved which was an added benefit. 
Not only it is beneficial for the students but also for the adults as they have to deal with so many problems in life and health issues remain a big cause of concern for them. 
And self-realization is a process that one can begin at any point of their life no matter how old they are. 
And after so many months of meditation, my life got so much sorted, I had got so much clarity in my mind and in my goals.

5. Negativity seemed to vanish-

this was the best change that my life could see after a few months of meditation. I started appreciating small things in life. The ups and downs of life would definitely bump into you but it wouldn’t really matter to you as much. 
And why would it even matter? Your life is worth so much more and with self-realization, you rise above all the judgments of the people. 
Therefore negativity vanishes. 

So I really hope you liked my journey of meditation and these were the changes that I observed. 
I would really love to know if these changes were similar to what you had observed when you started!

So meditating once or twice a week does wonders for your life and if you haven’t started meditating start it today itself. 

Also do watch my video on youtube! 
